HSE and Politecnico di Milano to Join Forces in Studying University Performance and Efficiency
A cooperation agreement was recently signed between HSE and Politecnico di Milano (Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering) to jointly embark on a large-scale study entitled Efficiency, Performance and Impact of Higher Education Institutions (EPI). According to the agreement, the IOE Laboratory for University Development will act as the principal R&D venue for this initiative, while Dr. Tommaso Agasisti, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano and one of Europe’s most renowned experts in education economics, will take up overall project supervision.
8 Technology Trends in Housing and Urban Environment
DOM.RF commissioned to the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre an analysis of more promising technological solutions for construction of housing; the results are presented in the publication 'The Future of Housing: Best Technological Development Practices'. The report outlines how housing construction, and urban environment generally are likely to develop (including in the scope of the 'smart city' concept).
A Foresight Project for the Southernmost BRICS Country
In 2018 the Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa commissioned a national Foresight study to the ISSEK Foresight Centre. Preliminary findings will be discussed at a workshop in Pretoria on October, 18–19. Ozcan Saritas, Leading Researcher at the Foresight Centre and Deputy Head of the Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, will take part in this event.
108 Tools for Measuring and Managing Innovation
'National Report on Innovation in Russia' is published, for the third year in a row prepared by the Russian Venture Company (RVC), the RF Ministry of Economic Development, and the RF Government’s Expert Council. Experts from the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge also contributed to producing the report. They suggested a number of advanced research methodologies and new indicators for measuring innovation development in the country. The indicator panel applied in the new report comprises 108 positions.
Higher School of Economics Creates a Platform of the Best Science Management Practices
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge with support from the Ministry of Education and Science launches the online project 'Knowledge Network' to Share Best R&D Management Practices and S&T Results”.
HSE Offers Psychometric Analysis of Online Courses
The HSE Centre for Psychometrics in eLearning is currently developing techniques, tools, and automated services for psychometric analysis of online courses as part of the project ‘Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation’. In this respect, HSE was the winner of a competition held by the Russian Ministry of Education and will receive a grant for developing analytical approaches for e-learning.
HSE Research Teams to Receive Russian Science Foundation Grants in 2017
The Russian Science Foundation has announced winners of its latest grant competition to support basic scientific research and exploratory scientific research conducted by research teams.
Interdisciplinary Seminar of the Strategic Academic Unit 'Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology'
A regular research seminar aimed at sharing the results of research conducted as part of of the Strategic Academic Unit ‘Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology’ and determining prospective interdisciplinary fields was recently held at HSE. This seminar will be organized regularly by different departments within the Strategic Academic Unit.
Motor Cortex Influences Word Comprehension
Researchers from HSE, Northumbria University, and Aarhus University have experimentally confirmed the hypothesis, whereby comprehension of a word’s meaning involves not only the ‘classic’ language brain centres but also the cortical regions responsible for the control of body muscles, such as hand movements. The resulting brain representations are, therefore, distributed across a network of locations involving both areas specialised for language processing and those responsible for the control of the associated action. The results have been published in the journal Neuropsychologia.
One’s Ability to Make Money Develops Before Birth
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics have shown how the level of perinatal testosterone, the sex hormone, impacts a person’s earnings in life. Prior research confirms that many skills and successes are linked to the widely known 2D:4D ratio, also knows as the digit ratio. This is the ratio of the index and ring fingers, and it is considered a reflection of the level of perinatal testosterone, the male hormone of the mother that acts on the development of the offspring during pregnancy.