HSE and Steklov Mathematical Institute Mathematician Alexander Efimov Awarded EMS Prize
Alexander Efimov, a research fellow at the International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms of HSE University, has been awarded the European Mathematical Society’s prestigious Prize.

HSE Researchers Receive 2020 Russian National Award in Applied Economics
On Wednesday, May 13, the award ceremony for the 2020 Russian National Award in Applied Economics took place on Zoom as part of the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. This year the prize was awarded to Marco Francesconi (University of Essex, UK), Fabián Slonimczyk, and Anna Yurko (HSE University, Moscow)

HSE Ranks Among Top 3 Russian Universities in THE Emerging Economies University Rankings
For the first time HSE University has placed among the top twenty universities in countries with emerging economies in the THE Emerging Economies Rankings. Ranking 18th, HSE now places among the top three Russian universities on the list. Earlier this year, HSE University was the third highest ranking Russian university in the THE World University Rankings.

HSE Places Second Among Russian Universities in THE Humanities Ranking
HSE University improved its performance from last year, entering the Top-200 of the Times Higher Education (THE) subject ranking in Arts and Humanities. We now place second among Russian universities and have the best results of the participants of the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100.
'Atlas of Future Technologies' Nominated for the Enlightener 2018 Award
The Organising Committee of the Enlightener 2018 Award has published a long list of 24 books, each of which has a chance to become the best popular science book of the new season. Among other titles, the long list includes 'Atlas of Future Technologies' which presents results of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring study. This ongoing project is being implemented by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) for more than five years. The award winners will be announced in the early October.
Moscow Mathematical Journal Named Most Influential Russian Journal in Mathematics of 2017
The recipients of the annual Web of Science Awards are the most influential scientists, scientific organizations and publications of the year. The Moscow Mathematical Journal has made it into the top quartile in the subject area of mathematics and was announced by jury members to be the most influential Russian scientific journal of 2017.

HSE Faculties Named Most Popular among Employers in 2017
According to research by Future Today, HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences is the most in-demand among employers. A further three HSE faculties were named in the top 10.
Faculty of Computer Science Students Take Gold at BPI Challenge 2017
Elizaveta Povalyaeva, Artem Fomenko and Ismail Khamitov, fourth-year students of Software Engineering, took first place in the student category at the BPI Challenge 2017, a business process analysis competition. They presented their solution at the 13th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence 2017 and are the first students from Russia to participate in the event and win, with the highest-ever number of projects participating in the competition.

Book by Navid Hassanpour Receives APSA Award
Navid Hassanpour's book Leading from the Periphery and Network Collective Action has won the Best Book Award from the Political Networks Section of the American Political Science Association.

HSE Researchers Use Neural Networks for Odour Recognition
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Space Research, Technologies, Systems and Processes have applied fast-learning artificial intelligence to odour recognition andpatented a handy electronic-nose device capable of recognising the olfactory patterns of a wide range of chemicals. In addition to discriminating between different gas mixtures, the electronic nose will be able to capture and memorise new smells. According to HSE scientists, the product of their research is likely to benefit both security services and members of the public.