HSE Joins Top-100 of QS Master’s Ranking in 4 Areas of Business Education
For the second year in a row, the QS Ranking Agency has published its Business Masters Rankings. A total of three Russian universities appeared on this ranking (HSE University, St Petersburg State University, and Ural Federal University) in four areas of business education. Last year, only two Russian universities were on the ranking.

First PhD Thesis Presented as Articles on the Topic Defended at HSE
On September 11, Ivan Smirnov, graduate of the HSE Institute of Education doctoral programme, defended his Candidate of Sciences (Education) on ‘Differentiation of students by academic performance in a social network’. His thesis consists of four articles which had been published in academic journals, as well as a description of the study methods, design and main outcomes.

HSE Students Come Up with a House of the Future
Perhaps, in the not-so-distant future, people will be living in skyscrapers made of wood and concrete with a farm on the first floor and solar panels on the roof. Such a model of a future residential block was presented by the students of the master's programme ‘Prototyping Future Cities’. To create the model, they studied houses in Moscow that have been built over the past hundred years and analyzed international experience. Their model was presented at the Moscow Urban Forum in July and, on September 13 (HSE Day), it will be possible to see it again at Gorky Park.

HSE Maintains Position in Top-300 of QS Graduate Employability Rankings
The QS Graduate Employability Rankings has published a list of the Top-500 universities in the world in terms of graduate employability outcomes and prospects.
HSE’s Institute of Education Collaborates with Global School Laboratory
The Institute of Education at HSE has signed an agreement outlining collaboration with the online platform, GlobalLab - a community of teachers and students who work on joint research projects over the Internet.
BRICS Antimonopoly Centre Opens at HSE
This summer, the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development opened a new division - the BRICS Antimonopoly Centre. It will engage in applied research and expert analysis aimed at improving competition policies and strengthening antitrust regulation in the BRICS economies. The Centre will also coordinate the activities of the BRICS member states’ competition authorities and scientific communities.
HSE Hosts Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Conference for the First Time
145 researchers from 30 countries discussed how higher education systems work on global and national levels, and how they are influenced by the processes of differentiation and integration.

HSE Ranks 7th in THE Ranking of Leading Research Universities in Eurasia
HSE has ranked 7th amongst universities in Eurasia. The ranking has been compiled for the first time by Times Higher Education and is presented by Kazan Federal University.

Bachelor's Programme in Software Engineering Receives Prestigious International Accreditation
The high quality of HSE’s Bachelor programme has been recognised by experts on the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the headquarters of which are located in the U.S. For more than 85 years, ABET has been accrediting college and university programmes in the applied and natural sciences, computing, engineering and engineering technology. HSE’s Software Engineering programme is the only one in Russia to have received this accreditation.

Faculty of Urban and Regional Development Opens at HSE
The new faculty is set to reinvent the profession of urban planner in Russia. The head of the faculty, Tenured Professor, Mikhail Blinkin, spoke about what it aims to do and where it is headed.