Autonomous University of Madrid Signs Agreement on Student Exchange with HSE
The agreement on student exchange between HSE and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) includes semester-long exchange trips for students of the HSE Faculty of Business and Management, the Faculty of Economic Sciences, and the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.
Researchers from Various Countries to Collaborate on Eradicating Educational Inequality
The HSE Institute of Education has become a founding partner of the Institute for Global Educational Opportunity, an association of universities and research centres that study educational inequality. Representatives from Russia, the U.S., Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Chili gathered in Washington to reach an agreement on joint annual conferences, publications, and research.
HSE Launches Joint Double Degree Master’s Programme with Paris-Sorbonne
The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has signed an agreement on establishing a joint double degree master’s programme with the University of Paris-IV (Sorbonne) in partnership with the French University College in Moscow. The agreement is applicable to following master's programmes: Philosophical Anthropology, Historical Knowledge, History of Artistic Culture and the Art Market, and Philosophy and History of Religion.
World Association for Public Opinion Research Conference to Take Place in Russia for the First Time
From September 15 – 17, 2016, the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Regional Conference ‘Survey Research and the Study of Social and Cultural Change’ will take place at HSE.
HSE and Yandex Hold Second Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics
On June 20-27, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science teamed up with the Yandex School of Data Analysis to carry out the Second International Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics. This year’s Summer School took place in Lund, Sweden, and saw the participation of 60 students and researchers from Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland, and more. Of these students, five came from the Higher School of Economics.
Springer published ISSA laboratory research fellow's book "Conceptual Exploration"
The book is written by B.Ganter and S.Obiedkov. Bernhard Ganter is emeritus professor of mathematics at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. His main research field is Formal Concept Analysis. Sergei Obiedkov is an Research Fellow at the ISSA Laboratory and an associate professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. His research covers topics in data analysis and artificial intelligence, including logical and algorithmic aspects.
Faculty of Economics Undergraduate Programmes Get ACCA Accreditation
Thanks to this accreditation, future graduates of the HSE undergraduate programmes in Economics and Economics & Statistics will no longer have to sit the exams necessary to obtain an Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (АССА) qualification.
The Journal of Economic Sociology has been accepted for inclusion into Scopus
The Journal of Economic Sociology has been accepted for inclusion into Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. The Journal of Economic Sociology has successfully gone through a review process and evaluation governed by The Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB), with the participation of international experts. Integration of the Journal of Economic Sociology’s content into Scopus coverage is expected in the near future.
HSE ISSEK Experts Prepare New Russian Regional Innovational Development Ranking
Russian regions differ significantly in terms of their attitude to innovation, according to a new release of the Russian Regional Innovational Development Ranking prepared by the HSE's experts. Thus, almost one-third of all industrial companies in Chuvashia have implemented innovative technology, while more than half of all manufactured goods in Sakhalin Region are products of innovation; in contrast, little innovative activity is observed in most territories of the North Caucasus. Tatarstan, Moscow and St. Petersburg top the list of Russian regions focused on innovation.
HSE Partners with International Project in Humanities
The Higher School of Economics is the first Russian university to become an associate member of a key project run by the Dahlem Humanities Center at the Free University of Berlin – ‘The Thematic Network Principles of Cultural Dynamics’. The project is aimed at strengthening international cooperation in the humanities.