HSE and Steklov Mathematical Institute Mathematician Alexander Efimov Awarded EMS Prize
Alexander Efimov, a research fellow at the International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms of HSE University, has been awarded the European Mathematical Society’s prestigious Prize.

World Bank—HSE University Webinar Examines the Costs of School Closures During the Covid-19 Pandemic
On May 21, the joint webinar series, ‘Education under COVID-19: Problems, Solutions, Perspectives, Research’ began with a session about the effects of school closures under the pandemic. Harry Anthony Patrinos of the World Bank presented the results of a model that he and a team of researchers developed in order to predict the extent to which the closures may reduce learning and lead to future losses in labor productivity and earnings for today’s students. The webinar was moderated by Isak Froumin (Head of the HSE Institute of Education), while Professors Tommaso Agasisti (School of Management, Politecnico di Milano) and Sergey Kosaretsky (Director, HSE Centre of General and Extracurricular Education) served as discussants.

HSE Researchers Receive 2020 Russian National Award in Applied Economics
On Wednesday, May 13, the award ceremony for the 2020 Russian National Award in Applied Economics took place on Zoom as part of the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. This year the prize was awarded to Marco Francesconi (University of Essex, UK), Fabián Slonimczyk, and Anna Yurko (HSE University, Moscow)

HSE Maintains Its Position in Two THE Subject Rankings
HSE University has once again placed in two subject rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings: Computer Science (in the top 400) and Engineering and Technology (in the 601-800 range).

HSE Tops Expert Analytical Centre Rankings in 7 Subject Areas
HSE University has appeared in 10 subject areas and six subject categories of the Expert Analytical Centre ranking of university research productivity. Moreover, HSE ranked 1st in five areas and two sections.

HSE Opens Laboratory of Financial Data Analysis
Part of the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods and another partner project between Sberbank and HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, the laboratory will focus on applying machine learning methods to financial services.

HSE Establishes Semyonov Award for Early-career International Researchers
Semyonov Award is designed as an internship at the HSE Laboratory for University Development and support to early-career scholars for participation in joint research.

HSE and Politecnico di Milano to Join Forces in Studying University Performance and Efficiency
A cooperation agreement was recently signed between HSE and Politecnico di Milano (Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering) to jointly embark on a large-scale study entitled Efficiency, Performance and Impact of Higher Education Institutions (EPI). According to the agreement, the IOE Laboratory for University Development will act as the principal R&D venue for this initiative, while Dr. Tommaso Agasisti, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano and one of Europe’s most renowned experts in education economics, will take up overall project supervision.

Spiritual Importance of Russian Culture for European History
International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue was established at HSE in 2017 with the purpose of showcasing the Russian philosophy, literature and art, and focusing on its universal spiritual significance for the fate of Europe and Russia. HSE News Service has talked to Leonid Luks, Academic Supervisor of the laboratory, about the place of Russian culture in the world and the research the laboratory is undertaking.
8 Technology Trends in Housing and Urban Environment
DOM.RF commissioned to the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre an analysis of more promising technological solutions for construction of housing; the results are presented in the publication 'The Future of Housing: Best Technological Development Practices'. The report outlines how housing construction, and urban environment generally are likely to develop (including in the scope of the 'smart city' concept).